On-pack claims can be a powerful way to connect with consumers. Health benefits, nutritional content and free-from platforms are just some of the ways to enhance your product’s appeal. Whatever direction you take, claim substantiation is vital. We can provide the analytical evidence you need to demonstrate due diligence to confirm your on-pack claim.
When it comes to functional ingredients, we know that claim substantiation testing is particularly difficult. Processing, packaging and the formulation itself can all affect their status in the finished product. We can help you rise to this challenge and embrace exciting opportunities for product differentiation.
We know that claim substantiation is particularly difficult. Processing, packaging and the formulation itself can all affect their status in the finished product. With claim substantiation testing, we can help you rise to this challenge and embrace exciting opportunities for product differentiation.
Working with foods, beverages and supplements, our chemists analyse an ever-expanding range of ingredients. From vitamins and minerals, to omega 3 and cannabidiol (CBD), we continue to align our claim substantiation testing capabilities with current and future food industry trends.